Yoga provides the container for us to practice being in relationship with ourselves—our whole and complex, continuously transforming and multidimensional selves. While Yoga is so much more than the physical practice (the poses, postures, and gestures), the poses (asana) are an important part of this ancient practice, and often the easiest entry point into the deeper philosophy.
In this series we will explore the foundational yoga postures, as well as other aspects (referred to as limbs—there are eight!) of the practice. Whether you are brand new to Yoga, have dabbled a bit, or are a seasoned practitioner, you are invited to share in this experience.
Themes for each week:
Week 1: Core and Breath (elements of fire and air)
Week 2: Feet, Hips, and Shoulders (elements of earth and water)
Week 3: Spine (extension and flexion) and Center (elements of fire and water)
Week 4: Twist (spinal rotation), Revolution, Community (elements of ether and earth)
In this series you can expect invitational inquiry into:
- Anatomical touchstones/alignment for typical yoga asana
- Using props and variations and resourcing your nervous system during practice
- Patanjali's 8-Limb Path of Yoga
- The mantra OM
- Time for questions, conversation, and community